Tag "Ukraina"
Santu/a no Beatu/a
S. Josafat, Bispu no Mártir
Josafat, iha batizmu João Kuntsevytch, moris iha sidade Volodymyr, Ukraina. La iha dokumentasaun data moris loloos miabé moris entre tinan 1579 ka 1580. Nia aman naran Gabriel no nia inan
Husi Kreda
Husik jerasaun joven liu respira ár saudavel dame nian, la’ós ár foer funu nian
Papa Francisco nia lia-menon, molok harohan Angelus iha 2 Outubru 2022 Maun no biin-alin sira, buongiorno! Funu iha Ukraina nia andamentu sai grave liután, harahun no amesa boot, to’o pontu
Família Saleziana
Letter from the Rector Major regarding the situation in Ukraine
To my dear Salesian confreres throughout the world To our dear Salesian Family throughout the world Dear brothers and sisters throughout the world, My greetings and expression of affection