Tag "Ekolojia integrál"

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Aprezentasaun kalendáriu Inspetoria nian

Dili – Depoizde tranzmisaun Kapítulu Jerál iha Timor-Leste (Indonesia seidauk), ohin, 4 Dezembru 2021, Irmán FMA balun halibur hamutuk iha prezensa fízika no online (Indonesia) atu haree kalendáriu no data

Ekolojia Kreda

The cry of the Poor and of the Earth at the post-Angelus of Pope Francis

Dear Brothers and Sisters Today we celebrate the Fifth World Day of the Poor, which began as a fruit of the Jubilee of Mercy. This year’s theme is Jesus’ word:


Potensiál sira husi Tasi Timor-Leste

Dili – Iha loron 26, fulan Outubru 2021, ami husi grupu Foin-sa’e voluntariadu Palomino Salesiano partecipa programa ida husi grupu Habelun ho Tasi, ne’ebé hanorin ami no fahe sira-nia koñesimentu

Husi Kreda Kreda

Pope Francis: A healthy environment is right of every human being

In a message to the Council of Europe, Pope Francis reiterates his call for immediate action to protect our common home. The message was sent on the occasion of a


Asaun konkreta iha loron Mundiál Ambiente nian

Dili – Iha loron Mundiál Ambiente nian, loron 5 Juñu 2021, ami grupu Juventude Voluntariadu Palomino Salesiano, selebra loron refere ho objetivu atu proteje ita-nia ambiente no ekosistema sira. Ba


Juntos podemos: “Cuidado da casa comum”

Venilale – Iha tinan 2015 wainhira surat Encíclica Laudato Si, hasai husi Papa Francisco, iha ami nia Diocese hahú tradusaun iha tinan tuir mai nune’e komunidade hahú lee no haklean.