Tag "Ekolojia integrál"
Aprezentasaun kalendáriu Inspetoria nian
Dili – Depoizde tranzmisaun Kapítulu Jerál iha Timor-Leste (Indonesia seidauk), ohin, 4 Dezembru 2021, Irmán FMA balun halibur hamutuk iha prezensa fízika no online (Indonesia) atu haree kalendáriu no data
The cry of the Poor and of the Earth at the post-Angelus of Pope Francis
Dear Brothers and Sisters Today we celebrate the Fifth World Day of the Poor, which began as a fruit of the Jubilee of Mercy. This year’s theme is Jesus’ word:
Potensiál sira husi Tasi Timor-Leste
Dili – Iha loron 26, fulan Outubru 2021, ami husi grupu Foin-sa’e voluntariadu Palomino Salesiano partecipa programa ida husi grupu Habelun ho Tasi, ne’ebé hanorin ami no fahe sira-nia koñesimentu
Pope Francis: A healthy environment is right of every human being
In a message to the Council of Europe, Pope Francis reiterates his call for immediate action to protect our common home. The message was sent on the occasion of a
Asaun konkreta iha loron Mundiál Ambiente nian
Dili – Iha loron Mundiál Ambiente nian, loron 5 Juñu 2021, ami grupu Juventude Voluntariadu Palomino Salesiano, selebra loron refere ho objetivu atu proteje ita-nia ambiente no ekosistema sira. Ba
Juntos podemos: “Cuidado da casa comum”
Venilale – Iha tinan 2015 wainhira surat Encíclica Laudato Si, hasai husi Papa Francisco, iha ami nia Diocese hahú tradusaun iha tinan tuir mai nune’e komunidade hahú lee no haklean.