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Husi Kreda Kreda

Kristu moris-hi’as konvida ita ba entuziazmu foun

Papa Francisco nia lia-meno molok harohan Regina Coeli, 1 Maiu 2022. Maun no biin-alin doben sira, bom domingu! Evanjellu Liturjia ohin nian (Jo 21,1-19) haktuir aparisaun datoluk Jezús moris-hi’as nian ba

Husi Kreda Kreda

Iha krize, ita kona Jezús nia kanek sira ne’ebé la buka sarani perfeitu

Papa Francisco nia lia-menon molok harohan Regina Coeli, 24 Abríl 2022 Maun no biin-alin doben sira, bondia! Ohin, loron ikus Oitava Páskua nian, Evanjellu haktuir aparisaun dahuluk no daruak Na’i

Husi Kreda Kreda

Sai bá li’ur no haklaken Na’i Moris-Hi’as

Papa Francisco nia lia-menon molok harohan Regina Coeli, 18 Abríl 2022   Maun no biin-alin sira, bondia! Loron sira Oitava Páskua nian hanesan loron ida mesak hodi hanaruk ksolok Resureisaun

Husi Kreda Kreda

Mensagem Urbi et Orbi de Páscoa 2022

MENSAGEM URBI ET ORBI DO PAPA FRANCISCO PÁSCOA 2022 Balcão central da Basílica Vaticana Domingo, 17 de abril de 2022 Queridos irmãos e irmãs, feliz Páscoa! Jesus, o Crucificado, ressuscitou!

Husi Kreda Kreda

Dame Páskua nian

Maun no biin-alin sira, bondia! Ita iha Semana Santa nia klaran, ne’ebé hahú husi Domingu Ramus to’o Domingu Páskua. Domingu rua hotu karakteriza ho festa hale’u Jezús. Maibé festa rua

Husi Kreda Kreda

Na loucura da guerra se torna a crucificar Cristo

CELEBRAÇÃO DO DOMINGO DE RAMOS E DA PAIXÃO DO SENHOR HOMILIA DO PAPA FRANCISCO Praça São Pedro Domingo, 10 de abril de 2022   No calvário, confrontam-se duas mentalidades; vemos,

Husi Kreda Kreda

Pope’s Angelus during Apostolic Journey in Malta

«Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am grateful for Archbishop Scicluna’s kind words on your behalf, but I am really the one who should be thanking you! Thank you very much!

Husi Kreda Kreda

Abertura “Tribunal Eclesiástico” Kreda Timor-Leste nian

Dili – Iha loron 1 Abríl 2022, Kreda Timor-Leste halo istória foun hodi inaugura Tribunál Ekleziástiku. Serimónia hahú ho orasaun ne’ebé diriji husi padre Angelo Salsinha, hafoin padre Paulus Maia nu’udar Chanceler

Husi Kreda Kreda

I renew my appeal: Enough. Stop it. Silence the weapons.

Dear brothers and sisters, More than a month has gone by since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, of the beginning of this cruel and senseless war, that, like

Husi Kreda Kreda

I invite to unite with me for the Solemn Act of Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Dear brothers and sisters, Unfortunately, the violent aggression against Ukraine does not stop, a senseless massacre where every day there is a repetition of slaughter and atrocities. There is no