My experience as a volunteer in Bondo Kodi

My experience as a volunteer in Bondo Kodi

Voluntária Irene husi España fahe ninia esperiénsia iha komunidade Angela Vallese, Bondo Kodi (Sumba-Indonesia)

«Long time ago I casually read this reflection that opened my eyes. I’d like to share it with you.

“If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.”

Let me introduce myslef. I am Irene and I come from Barcelona, Spain. After finishig my studies in communication and becoming a young and curious journalist I found myself with a little free time on my hands and with a lot of energy to give and recieve. So I decided to share it with someone who would take the most of it, volunteering abroad. After a disapointing experience with an organization in Bali, I had the chance to move to Sumba and to stay at this wonderful community in Bondo Kodi. Thank you Anna, thank you Hna Ines and thank you Me Alma for the opportunity you gave me.

From the very beggining, Sr. Lanny became my guide and “mom” there. Such an inspiring woman. So are Sr. Noemia, Sr. Ivo, Sr. Olvi and Sr. Libanha. Always kind, with a smile on her face and with some new learning to teach me. It would not have been the same without them. The place is important, the people on it, even more.

The first days were full of welcomings, introductions, meetings. Also, new habits and so different ways of life. It was shocking at first, in the positive sense of the word. Seeing by myself how life is in this part of Sumba, their resources, their roads, families, religions, routines. The conditions they have. It made me realize the huge gap there is between countries and policies. And, having the chance to give a little bit of me and to teach English to “reduce the gap” as much as I could, motivated me and gave me the energy to spread it. And it is so satisfing… watching the enthusiasm of the students and their willing to learn. No one missing the courses. No one disencouraged. They are so powerful, I hope they can keep this spirit. And so are the teachers in SMP, the school I was walking to every morning, always accompained by some boys and girls. I want to thank them all as well.

And what can I say about the boarders… I just arrived and they were already giving me peace and love. Positive, workers, smart, warm, respectful and always ready to help. I am proud of them and also of the sisters. It is so recomforting to know there’re people doing what they do. Thank you sisters and thank you girls. I spent some days in the community of Palla too, with Sr. Aurea, Sr. Liggia and Sr. Martina. More of the same, I couldn’t be happier.

Last but not least, I felt in love with Sumba. It may be isolated but has welcomed me with both open arms. The island and the people on it. I take the smell of the roads, the sound of their voices and the touch of the sun back to Barcelona with me.

Rewinding to the initial reflection, I leave a part of me in here and I keep a little part of everyone I have met  in my heart».